Remember the Forgotten Laws

There are times when I’m feeling blue, when I’m not being the upbeat, enlightened and insightful person that I think I should be, the person that many of my friends believe me to be, when I ask myself, “Why do I allow myself to be so down?”

The only answer is that I can come up with is that for some reason I want to feel bad! And that isn’t very productive!

It’s from there that I can begin to pull myself back up by the bootstraps and realize that, to be healthy, happy, wealthy and wise, I have to remember to be those things. That, on first glance, doesn’t seem to make any sense, so let me clarify. Many people today are aware of the Law of Attraction and the idea that we draw to us those things that we think about. Like attracts like. Thoughts are things. And, because we live in a world where fantastic and unimaginable things are manifesting every day, it’s easy to believe in the truth of this law. But, if it were as simple as that, why aren’t all of us who are aware of the Law of Attraction and who work with it daily, why aren’t we all healthy, happy, wealthy and wise? Have we forgotten something? Are we doing something wrong?

Well, maybe. Maybe the Law of Attraction as presented to us by the popular media is incomplete. Maybe there are forgotten Laws of Attraction that are essential for us to be aware of, to follow, in order for our personal transformation to work. Things like how to discover what within us is at the root of our self-sabotaging behaviors. Why do we allow ourselves to slip into these counter productive moods, these destructive states of mind?

When I have these questions, I often go back to my books. I love to read and listen to inspirational speakers, folks like Eckhart Tolle, Deepak Chopra, Bob Proctor and Wayne Dyer. It seems that all of the teachers I have resonated with somehow articulate some element of the total truth and together the puzzle, the forgotten laws begin to take shape in my mind.

Sometimes I do have trouble remembering that attracting affluence means being affluent. Attracting wealth means being wealthy. Attracting happiness means being happy. Attracting health means inhabiting and living the reality of health – not yesterday, not tomorrow, but now. It is at these times that I am so grateful for the many tools available for me to use toward knowing myself and living, from moment to moment, in the now of my existence and realizing a better, more affluent me.

It’s a tricky thing, but the key to all of this is remembering all the forgotten laws that we’ve learned. The best way to avoid this pitfall is by transforming ourselves, reinventing ourselves and living the process that is at the core of the Law of Attraction. There is a proverb that states, “When you pray, remember to move your feet!” That means, not only do you have to act upon your desires, you have to be aware of the opportunities to act! You have to banish your habit of comparing what was to what might be and focus on what is. We cannot control existence outside of ourselves except in that we can control our perception and reaction to what lies beyond ourselves. When someone irritates us, yes, they may be egging us on, taunting us, but it is our self that allows our emotional response to get out of hand. When someone doesn’t do what we want, or when something doesn’t occur as we had hoped, it is up to us to define how that makes us feel. If we feel bad, then look at it! What about it have we decided, either tacitly or out loud, to find unsatisfactory and why do we let it bother us?

Much of this information is already out there in all the books and programs we’ve consumed, but why do we forget it? Is it just that we hold on to the hope of manifesting wealth, attracting affluence and happiness rather than doing the work? I think that we’ve convinced ourselves that it is more comfortable to view change from outside rather than do the work to change from the inside. Perhaps we have to move out of our comfort zone into a place where we can manifest and attract our fulfilled zone. The Law of Attraction isn’t static, it is fluid, it is affluence. It is abundant and wealthy and healthy and wise, and it is always in motion. And there is another law that says, that which is in motion tends to stay in motion. Pray, and remember to move your feet!

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